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Improve your CSR profile with more sustainable solutions

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Step into a sustainable future

At Bramming Plast-Industri A/S, we work with a green mindset, and we aim to create scalable industrial solutions that lead the way towards a circular economy. The first step in this transformation: 

  • Biomass Balance 
  • Setex® Post-Consumer

Fill out the form to book a review of how we might improve your sustainability with our solutions.  

A part of the solution

Bramming Plast-Industri A/S is in the process of phasing out the use of fossil fuels and creating circularity. Read more about two of our main initiatives here.

Biomass Balance

At Bramming Plast-Industri A/S, our efforts are targeted at reducing CO2 emissions and eliminating the use fossil fuels.

We want to use the Biomass Balance approach to launch a new and revolutionary product portfolio.

Mechanical recycling

We want to help solve problems involving discarded end-of-life polyurethane products by transforming them into new products. At Bramming Plast-Industri A/S, we want to expand our production of recycled products, focusing on the products which the end-users have discarded. We have now launched our first product, which is based 100% on discarded mattresses.

Sign up here and let’s talk about sustainable solutions

Fill out the form to access our extensive knowledge of sustainable solutions. We will reach out as soon as possible.